Tips to Design Pinterest Pin It And Advertise!
Designing Pinterest Pins is a simple yet effective way for an affiliate marketer to promote his or her website. The Pinterest community is a good place to promote your products as it is considered as an ideal place for networking. In addition, Pinterest Pins are very easy to pin and a very efficient advertising technique. However, in order to design Pinterest Pins the right way you should follow these simple steps: Choose a Pinterest URL that is related to your product/service and its niche. It is advisable to go through Pinterest's URL guidelines first. Once you have chosen a correct URL, register it with Pinterest. You will receive a pin request form, check if it's valid and then proceed with your creation of advertorial . Next thing you need to do is to create a promotional image that will be used as a part of your advertorial. For this, you can choose an image from your computer's hard drive. It is recommended to resize it if it is too small or too large in size. Once ...